Community and Social Engagement
To achieve steady and sustainable growth, the Company conducted business and supported the community and public through participation and promotion in various occasions, using 5-dimension Holistic Area-based Community Development at three main target areas around Samui Airport, Sukhothai Airport and Trat Airport, covering an area not more than 20 kilometers from the airport. The two projects are
- Community of Love, focused on economy, social, education and health
- Love Earth, Save Earth, focused on the environment

Strategies for community engagement are

Example of Social Project
Occupational support to persons with disabilities (at Samui Airport, Sukhothai Airport and Trat Airport)
With reference to Regulation No. 35 regarding criteria, method and conditions of concession 2015, the Company provided occupational support to persons with disabilities in communities around Samui, Sukhothai and Trat Airports from 2019 to 2023 to promote and develop quality of life for persons with disabilities, providing chances for them to find work, earn secured income and able to support themselves and their families but most importantly it is an effective way for the Company to utilize budget for gaining maximum benefit. In 2023, the Company supported 21 persons with disabilities living in communities around the three airports, with a total value of assistance amounting to 2,274,736 baht.
Example of Economic Project
Oyster shells processing project (Trat Airport)

At Tha Som community the main occupation and source of income is oyster farming. After harvesting and selling oyster flesh, mountains of shells were left behind. To provide sustainable support to the community, the Company introduced Oyster shells processing project, to gain added value by turning the shells into decorative containers, thus creating jobs for the locals and reducing the number of shells remaining in the area.
In 2023, the Company provided a budget to purchase additional shell processing equipment for Community Enterprise Group to create attractive items for sale, thus earning additional income for members of the group.
Example of Educational Project
Youth Education Workshop “Wings for Dreams”

The Company continues its "Wings for Dreams" project for the second year, providing learning opportunities for children and youth through hands-on activities at various learning stations. These include a flight training station within a flight simulator and a cabin crew station, which ignite ideas and help inspire the dreams of young people aspiring to join the Thai aviation industry in the future.
This year (2023), the project was held in three locations: the first at Bangkok Airways Operations Complex (BAOC), Suvarnabhumi Airport, the second at Trat Airport, and the third at Sukhothai Airport. The project also involved the Company’s Blue Volunteers, frequent flyer members of the FlyerBonus program, employees, and their children who participated in the activities.