Code of Business Conduct
Since the Company’s establishment, ethics, honesty, justice and law are upheld by the Company in conducting the business. The Company has developed Code of Business Conduct to serve as a guiding principle and framework for consistent business practices which are composed of Ethics of Directors and Advisors, Ethics of Employees, Ethics to Stakeholders, report of the illegal practices, violation of Code of Conduct, complaints and report of traces. This Code of Business Conduct will promote the implementation of such values and practices in conducting the Company’s business continuously.
In 2023 the Company was selected as one of the listed companies to achieve Excellent CG score resulting from a survey of CG performance by listed companies, by Thai Institute of Directors, with support from SET.
Moreover, the Company continued to produce questionnaire to test understanding of compliancy with business ethics, which started in 2022, and encouraged employees to complete the questionnaire with a view to enhance understanding and promote correct and responsible performance of duties according to corporate good governance principle and corporate sustainability policy.